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03/01/2003: "Old blog"

Did I enjoy the Gardening Expo?......Yes! We saw a whole heap of interesting stuff. Much of it would be easy to make at home for a tenth of the price. I did learn that this winter has been especially harsh for plants due to the low levels of snow. The snow usually forms a protective layer over the soil but without it the earth has got far colder than normal, leading to damaged seeds, roots etc.
The spring cleaning of the Wife's 'Confuser' went very well but took forever. Due to it's poor functioning, constant crashes, transfering all the files across the network to my unit took many hours. Now running a fresh OS installation, moving the stuff back is a breeze.
Views on recent celebrity news: Lock Michael Jackson up for good with Phil Spector. The only extras that I would allow the pair would be access to all forms of media as long as it was in French! Make the buggers suffer!

Replies: 4 Comments

who'd a thunk it?

blimey said @ 03/09/2003 09:41 AM CST


Yup said @ 03/09/2003 09:40 AM CST


Yup said @ 03/09/2003 09:39 AM CST

You, a gardener?

Gardening? said @ 03/09/2003 08:35 AM CST

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