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03/01/2003: "Old Blog"

I had an interesting journey home from work today! As I rode home in a friend's Chevy truck, we were rear-ended by a young woman in a Dodge Dynasty. Her left front wing was all crunched up but the Chevy had not even a scratch! A cop came along and wrote his report while we stood in the snow and chatted. She seemed almost excited to be in her first accident and even went as far as to say that it was nice to meet us, as we went our seperate ways! I find it hard to be polite to other road users when there is no contact! Betsy (her name), I take my hat off to you!
Tomorrow, Jake's French class at school get to talk with a real Frog! He asked me for suggested questions to pose to this fellow. Alas, none of my suggestions are even printable, let alone suitable for asking during a school period!
"Say Lavvy!"

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