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03/02/2003: "Mardi Gras"

First off, I want to say a massive thanks to Kathy and Steve who were our hosts for another amazing Mardi Gras party in Columbus Wisconsin this weekend. The food was wonderful and the booze flowed like Ozzy Osbourne's expletives! I have never seen so many different dishes featuring Crawfish in the same place before. Robin has posted a selection of photos from the party on her site (link on right). Due, in part, to my greed in taking the biggest slice of cake last year, we were the King and Queen for the event. Our hosts provided the pair of us with an assortment of party accessories, the choice of Silly String being possibly ill-advised! Some of the older guests seemed less than impressed at us using them as targets! I don't think that they had drunk enough to be able to enjoy it properly! We sure knocked back enough ourselves. My only question is: Which of the beverages I quaffed was responsible for the sore head? Could it have been the Bourbon, Bacardi 151, Port, Rasberry Port, Hurricanes, Dixie Blackened Voodoo Lager, Crimson Voodoo, Abita Turbodog, Red Stripe or the Absinthe? I am inclined to think that my headache was caused by having to wear a crown for the entire event and also the weight of all the beads around my neck!

Once recovered (partly at least!) we went hunting for bargains at a Liquidator store in Sun Prairie and at The Antiques Mall in Columbus. This Mall is the largest in Wisconsin and also claims to have the largest selection of glassware in the whole country! I wouldn't like to argue their claim as it would take a full day to sift through all the stuff on offer. One word of advice: If you ever find yourself needing to buy a book whilst driving through Portage at 6 on a Sunday evening, you might want to just keep driving and avoid spending time searching both Walmart and K-Mart for suitably inspirational tomes!

As you can see I am working on the look to this Blog. I have much to learn as far as customisation is concerned but I think you'll agree that this is preferable to a white screen with text across it!

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