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03/15/2003: "Crazy Bible-Basher!"

This weekend Fred Phelps is coming to town. Who is he? He is a crazy preacher from Kansas who is on a crusade to stop homosexuality. He does this by organising pickets of supposedly gay promoting events. For instance, his gang of nutters picketted the funeral of Matt Sheppard, a gay who was beaten to death by a couple of trailer-trash idiots in Laramie, Wyoming a couple of years ago. His people wave banners saying the likes of: 'God hates Fags' and 'Thank God for Aids'. He runs a website called What puzzles me about his methods is the fact that he brings more publicity to the events he wants to stop than they would have otherwise had!
On Thursday evening, Robin and I went to see a play about the death of Matt Sheppard entitled 'The Laramie Project'. Whilst not the happiest way to spend an evening, the play was very well done and worth seeing. We would never have known a thing about it had it not been for the publicity surrounding Fred's visit to town to picket it. One has to wonder if Mr Phelps and his idiot supporters are actually funded by some gay liberation movement to provide publicity! If so, I take my hat off to the mastermind behind this piece of lateral thinking, but will continue to keep my back against the wall!

My views on homosexuality? People can do whatever they like in their own bedrooms, I just don't need to hear about it. All the gay pride marches are a bunch of shit! I have never heard of a heterosexual pride march! You want to be gay? Go ahead! I don't care, but please don't make such a big fuss about it. Before you come out of your so called closet, give the hinges a squirt of WD40 so that we can get on with our lives without the constant squeeking!

Replies: 1 Comment


I am a Christian and a Chaplin.
Mr Phelps is the extreme and a man
who is wrong about what the Bible says. God never hatesd no one; not
even the homosexual. Instead he
loves all men and hates the sin.
You can argue with Gods word. It
doesn't matter what we say - homo-
sexuality has always been a sine,
and it will continue to be a sin
10 million years from now; the
Bible says what it says, and it
doesn't matter what people say or think, God's word still says homosexuality is sin.

God will take care of this prob-
lem one day; Jesus and the Holy
Bible will judge each person. You
can say what you wish, do as you
wish but when the smoke clears,
you are still in sin, and its
garunteed you will spend eternity
in the fires of devils hell if you
reject God's word, persist in your
lifestyle, and die.

Now you argue with God's word
and see if 40 years from now and if you are alive if God's word
changed just for you or any other

a Friend,

Sam Bennett

P.s, I can show you the plan of
salvation if wish to know of it.
Without you becoming a Christian,
accepting Christ as Lord and
Savior,confessing your sins, and
askin Him to come into your life;
you shall not enter into the King-
dom of Heaven. Its up to you.

Sam Bennett said @ 06/23/2003 09:36 PM CST

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