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03/14/2003: "About this 'Blog'."

Welcome to my site. Here you can find a variety of interesting things and a bunch of boring stuff too! Make a comment, sign the guestbook, join the party! Most of the background image can be seen by scrolling your browser down or right-clicking it and viewing it through the menu.

Any views and opinions displayed on this page are not necessarily held by the webmaster or his associates! Any comments that cause offense might have been intended to do so, then again, they might not! If your views contradict those expressed here, feel free to vent forth and pontificate to your heart's desire, even though you are probably completely wrong! You are welcome to play the Devil's Advocate, I plan to! That said, if I deem any language used to be inappropriate, I'll send you a rude email and also remove said words and replace them with others designed to make you look daft at the very least!

This site looks best using the latest version of Mozilla, Opera or Netscape for Windows or the latest Internet Explorer for the Mac. The higher your screen resolution is, the better it will look. For the time being, Internet Explorer for Windows is not a standards compliant browser and will not show these pages as designed. It will show all the content so if you are using IE for Win' you'll just be missing some nice layouts and effects. I refuse to have my designs limited by Microsoft who have anounced that there will be no future versions of their browser anyway! Do yourself a favor and move to a browser that shows the web as it is designed to be seen. Just say 'No!' to the beast that Gates built.

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