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03/09/2003: "Television"

The TV in this country continues to amaze me. Not the poor quality and multiple repeats that one soon becomes used to but some of the programs that can be found. For instance, the other night, on going to bed, I found Robin watching the start of a show that she thought lokked interesting and that I might like as it was of British origin. It was Ali-G! You coulda knocked me dahn wiv a fevver! It was on HBO. We have BBC-America on the cable so nothing there is a surprise but the other stations keep catching me unawares. TechTV shows both Thunderbirds and Max Headroom. Comedy Central shows Trigger Happy TV. Ab' Fab' can be seen on a number of channels. I am sure that there is much more British TV out there waiting to be found. Whilst it is great to have the Beeb here, they show a ridiculous number of repeats and the Ads could do with being of better quality!
A show, of Canadian origin, that is a must is The Sunday Sex Show. In this feat of tele-visual entertainment, a little old lady discusses the merits of various dildos, positions, techniques etc. whilst taking live calls from a succession of wierd people. She manages to keep a straight face nearly all the time but looks like ones favourite Granny!
One time, a gay guy called, wanting to know if he could protect himself with a female condom inserted into his tradesman's entrance before going out to party with the fellows! She thought it could be a good idea but had misgivings with respect to how it would be installed. I laughed till it hurt with the image in my mind of him farting and blowing up a big latex balloon! First you would have the Rasberry sound, followed by a Whooshing as it inflated followed by the bang as it blows up in his trowsers, bursting due to the lack of space! I hope this catches on in Gay circles because the resulting displays could take all our minds off of more serious matters.

Replies: 1 Comment

Hey Boogs, I see some things never change :-)

Hope you're doing fine, glad to see the American dream came off for you, and pleased to note that Christopher Walken is now only the second scariest deer hunter. Belated congrats on the marriage, to both of you.

Thought it was about time I said 'hi' - love the Blog, keep it up.

Later, from sunny central Russia.

Gav said @ 03/09/2003 07:05 PM CST

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