
Saturday, March 1, 2003

Blogger R.I.P!
As of now, I am no longer using Blogger to run my Blog. I have copied and pasted all my old entries across to the new version which runs independently on my site. The look of this page will soon be updated to bring much needed viewing pleasure to the masses. Please bear with me whilst I carry out this strenuous task!
posted @ 12:29 PM CST [link] [2 Comments]

Old Blog
I had an interesting journey home from work today! As I rode home in a friend's Chevy truck, we were rear-ended by a young woman in a Dodge Dynasty. Her left front wing was all crunched up but the Chevy had not even a scratch! A cop came along and wrote his report while we stood in the snow and chatted. She seemed almost excited to be in her first accident and even went as far as to say that it was nice to meet us, as we went our seperate ways! I find it hard to be polite to other road users when there is no contact! Betsy (her name), I take my hat off to you!
Tomorrow, Jake's French class at school get to talk with a real Frog! He asked me for suggested questions to pose to this fellow. Alas, none of my suggestions are even printable, let alone suitable for asking during a school period!
"Say Lavvy!"
posted @ 12:23 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Old Blog
Yesterday, we drove down to Ripon and helped move Robin's brother, Randy, and his familly to their new home south of Madison in Evansville. I was expecting icy conditions but found, after the first 30 miles, that the roads were all clear. This is Wisconsin! Friends in Maryland haven't seen their cars for days because of the snow! What is going on? The move went well and we were able to make it back home around midnight.
I find it interesting to see how many BP gas stations there are now that Amoco has merge with British Petroleum, and find myself wondering if I should feel pride at a British success like this? I have nothing at all to do with the company other than my origins and have found that most people think that BP stands for 'Better Petroleum' because of the ad' campaign, being unaware of the British connection. I suppose that we should all be happy that it isn't French Petroleum, the idiots would call it something like 'Le Gas'.
I was wondering, the other day, about the fact that the most well known cartoon character that is meant to be French is a Skunk! The Skunk in question being a greasy individual who thinks he is a great lover but is actually a real dummy in this field. Were the animators of the same opinion as me about the people of that nation?

posted @ 12:23 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Old Blog
I have been busy checking out XHTML with the help of my new book. I made a copy of my entire website to experiment with and the initial results are interesting. My intent is to convert the whole site to XHTML. This means learning how to use CSS and much of the HTML coding that I am used to using has to be changed. The biggest headache is that a number of the attributes that were acceptable, no longer work, making the look of the pages vary considerably. This mostly causes me to be unable (so far) to use some of the tiled background images that have been in use since day one. Once I have learned how to overcome this, the site will become far easier to update and to make visual changes, such as colour schemes.
On a lighter note, I took a bag of Mini-Eggs to work and tested them out on the truck drivers. They were very popular but will not be a regular item on the trucker's menus until Brian in Baltimore has a Dwarf Butler (See below).
I am finding it a little amusing to hear that they are having way more snow in the South-East, than we are here in Wisconsin. If you are in those parts and can't get to work, please email me and tell me how bad it is! Me and Robin could do with a good giggle!
posted @ 12:22 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Old Blog
Yippee! Easter is coming and that means..........Cadbury's Mini-Eggs! Walmart sells them for $2.50 for a 12oz bag. I think of them as Smarties for big-mouthed grown-ups! If you do happen to be thinking of sending me a gift for Easter, and you want something other than beer, these would fit the bill nicely! Of course, you could send beer as well (Hint, hint!).
Whilst out buying Mini-Eggs we popped into a discount bookstore. I acquired a couple of new books on DHTML and XHTML. Don't hold your breath for major changes to the site as the subject matter will take some digesting. You are, of course, now happier than a few minutes ago, due to the knowledge that your favourite webmaster will go to so much trouble to keep up with the times, just for your amusement and education! Three cheers for me - Hip Hip Hoorah etc!
posted @ 12:21 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Old Blog
My significant other gave me an Airbrush as a Valentines gift! I have not used one in years, my last having been lost back in Blighty. She already has plans for me to do a flame-job on her Suzuke Sidekick!
If you have a braodband connection and live outside the UK, like I do, I urge you to check out the BBC Radio webpages. You can listen to all the national broadcasts and many of the shows are available for your listening pleasure, for a full week after the original broadcast. It is great, for me, to be able to listen to all the great sounds that Britain has too offer. The radio in these parts leaves something to be desired! I have even sent an email to a live DJ and heard it get a mention on air!
posted @ 12:21 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Old Blog
We have been busy planning what to do with our Lottery winnings (If we ever win!) and my favourite idea so far concerns Brian in Baltimore. After hearing about his ambitions for many a year, we will hire him a dwarf butler! I have yet to find out where to get one but I suspect that money will talk. We'll both be getting custom built motorcycles so we might deliver the little fellow on 2 wheels.
The work week has been real slow and I am looking forward to the coming relaxation but have no idea what is planned.
I am constantly amazed at how the gas (petrol) prices yo-yo up and down in this country. It is still far cheaper than back in Blighty so I guess I shouldn't complain.
The Gardening Expo' from last weekend has produced an unexpected result! For Valentines day, I am getting Robin a cheap concrete mixer and she couldn't be happier!
The new Massive Attack CD just landed on our doorstep, thanks to If you like the band I can heartily recommend it, it's the dog's bollocks.
posted @ 12:20 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Old blog
Did I enjoy the Gardening Expo?......Yes! We saw a whole heap of interesting stuff. Much of it would be easy to make at home for a tenth of the price. I did learn that this winter has been especially harsh for plants due to the low levels of snow. The snow usually forms a protective layer over the soil but without it the earth has got far colder than normal, leading to damaged seeds, roots etc.
The spring cleaning of the Wife's 'Confuser' went very well but took forever. Due to it's poor functioning, constant crashes, transfering all the files across the network to my unit took many hours. Now running a fresh OS installation, moving the stuff back is a breeze.
Views on recent celebrity news: Lock Michael Jackson up for good with Phil Spector. The only extras that I would allow the pair would be access to all forms of media as long as it was in French! Make the buggers suffer!
posted @ 12:20 PM CST [link] [4 Comments]

Old Blog!
Work over for a couple of days! What to do this weekend? First, tonight we are going to a friend's kid's school play, my excitement at this is overwhelming! Tomorrow will be spring-cleaning the wifes 'confuser' followed by lashings of beer! Sunday see us going all the way down to Madison for a gardening expo' with my Ma in law. It remains to be seen which of our belongings are eaten by the dogs during our absence!
A surprising number of people have commented to me that a war with France would be a nice warm-up for the main event! I think that France is a wonderful country with lots of beautiful buildings and lovely scenery, it's just such a shame that the French live there and ruin it!
posted @ 12:19 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

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